Researching Transhumanism

An open PhD project about transhumanism

So far the human body is weak

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Here's to all ya Masters out there.

Here’s to all ya Masters out there.

Sick. I can’t believe it. I am double sick. Last week I was issued sick leave from work due to a near-total-mental-collapse. That’s when I began thinking about research after a few months pause. I’m also changing jobs and the future work will be better for me.

But now, I’m sick. I had bubbles in my stomach last night and spent a few messy hours in the toilet. Aren’t you glad I told you that. 🙂

Perhaps it’s something I ate or then I caught the bug last night when I attended the first ever Master Class for a Good Society. It’s a two month program run by the University of Helsinki and LähiTapiola Group. Why this is is due to the fairly new idea of connecting university level education with businesses. This time the idea is to connect people from different fields (especially including the humanities) to the world of business and problem solving.

The program rests on the idea of Social Entrepreneurship or more widely “BIg Society”. It was a good start with, I think, 40-50 attendees. I sat in a table full of clever young professionals and one of the Mentors, a person I deeply respect, Outi Alanko-Kahiluoto form the parliament (The Greens of Finland party).

In any case, I’m sick now and I have to cancel my short talk at the Sociology Days in Turku. All is not lost since I did manage to solve some theoretical problems while working on the text. But, there is a sense of not belonging. They are thinking of revitalizing the Finnish Network for the Sociology of Knowledge and I hope they do and I hope I can be a part of it.

So far, waiting for my FrenchPress to hatch me a nice mug of strong, bacteria killing, coffee.

Written by Ilkka V

March 21, 2013 at 7:11 am

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  1. You wrote, “工作量有增無減 … 未來還要再吃重些 有必要和沒必要的事 照做 堆積著的事好像永遠清不完 從前我從不拖延 比以前煩躁 容易因小故生氣 同事與家人大概受了我不少臉色”This may be your way to bury your emotions and mind in work to avoid daneilg with your lost and the mounting pressures.My advice is to decouple yourself and slow yourself down to allow yourself time to rest, time to heal, and time to be with your loved ones.In the HK environment, it is almost automatic and easy to think that work, money, and promotions mean everything. But when comparing to your personal health and time with your loved ones (when they need you and you need them), the importance assigned to “work, money, and promotions” may not be that easily “本來想藉著寫一本有關爸爸的書 慢工細貨 順道讓情緒得到適當宣泄 結果連這件事本身也成了負擔 “Let me share this story that may shine some light.By chance, I have the pleasure of knowing Apple Daily’s Mr. Li Yee & his wife (李怡 和 李太) and met them once or twice every year for many years when they visit their daughter & family in Calgary. 李怡 was deeply saddened when 李太 passed away suddenly over a year ago. 李怡 ended up writing many beautiful articles about Mrs. Li in his Apple column and my friends and I were deeply touched by those articles.I guess my point is this, don’t turn remembering your loving dad and write a book about him as an additional source of pressure for yourself. Write about your dad in this blog whenever you feel the strong urge to. And before you know it, you will have enough articles to collect them and put them into a book (if you wish to). And I think the more important thing for you is the PROCESS of writing the articles. Because time and the process of remembering are some of the key ingredients to help you *and* your loved ones heal.Take care and get well soon.


    July 11, 2013 at 6:41 am

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